Silver Primm

From PSO2: New Genesis Wiki
Silver Primm
Weapons: Sword (NGS) Only
Level Req: 5
ATK (NGS) Attack Power
Base Attack +60 +70 +80 +90
195 524 752 791 953
Damage Variance Compound (NGS) Element
Potential (NGS) Recycler Unit
Lv.1: Potency +18%; 20% chance of Restasigne not being consumed on use. Effect starts 10 seconds after being equipped.
Lv.2: Potency +20%; 20% chance of Restasigne not being consumed on use. Effect starts 10 seconds after being equipped.
Lv.3: Potency +23%; 20% chance of Restasigne not being consumed on use. Effect starts 10 seconds after being equipped.
Lv.4: Potency +24%; 20% chance of Restasigne not being consumed on use. Effect starts 10 seconds after being equipped.
Lv.5: Potency +25%; 30% chance of Restasigne not being consumed on use. Effect starts 10 seconds after being equipped.
Lv.6: Potency +42%; 30% chance of Restasigne not being consumed on use. Effect starts 10 seconds after being equipped.
N-Meseta Marketable: NGS Weapon Camo Icon Almati: Color Variant (NGS) CV:

The Silver Primm series is a Rarity weapon series introduced on June 9th, 2021.

This series can be listed on player shops.

Weapon Coverage

The Silver Primm series covers the following weapons:

Silver Primm Weapons:
Sword (NGS) Silver Primm Sword

Unique Properties

Silver Primm Sword drops with the This Augment does not exist or is spelled incorrectly. If you believe this is a mistake, please contact one of the site administrators. augment, and is intended for use in weapon enhancement.

It has obsoleted by Gold Primm Sword II, which drops with Ability (NGS) C/Endymio.

This series cannot drop with Preset Skills.

Stats and Potential

The weapon potential of the Silver Primm series is Recycler Unit, which after being equipped for 10 seconds, grants a 20% chance to not consume Restasigne when used. After level 5, the chance to not consume Restasigne increases to 30%.

If playing a quest with a difficulty modifier that increases Restasigne consumption, this potential will prevent all consumption upon use if it activates.

Due to having the same final base attack as the Primm and Gold Primm series, if you wish to use a Recycler Unit weapon, you should use a normal Primm to have greater weapon variety.

While this is not a recommendation, if you are truly intent on using only a Sword while using Recycler Unit, the Gold Primm Sword II has higher maximum damage output due to the higher base Attack.

Drop Info

Silver Primm Swords drop from Silver enemies.

Other Trivia