Wind Cards

From PSO2: New Genesis Wiki

Plain Cards

Card Wind (NGS) Melee Vanguard - Oza
PP Attack Skill
No Skill

Support Cards

Card Wind (NGS) ARKS Officer - Seraphy
PP Attack Skill
Draw Card
Draw 1 Card.
Card Wind (NGS) Torch Bearer - Echo
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Buff Ally
Increase target allies' Attack.
Note: Cannot target itself.
+2 +2
Card Wind (NGS) Distant Song - Quna
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Buff Ally
Increase target allies' Attack.
Note: Cannot target itself.
+1 +1
+1 +2
Card Wind (NGS) Xion's Little Brother - Xiao
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Buff Ally
Increase target allies' Attack.
Note: Cannot target itself.
Card Wind (NGS) ARKS Member - Burrows
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Buff Ally
Increase target allies' Attack.
Note: Cannot target itself.
+2 +1
Card Wind (NGS) Council of Six - Three - Casra
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Swap Ally
Swap the target allies in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) Striver - Ulku
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Swap Ally
Swap the target allies in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) Bouncer Test Proxy - Katori
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Move Ally
Move the target ally in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) ARKS Member - Makoto
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Move Ally
Move the target ally in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) Civilian - Henri
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Move Ally
Move the target ally in the direction of the arrow.

Disrupt Cards

Card Wind (NGS) Void Leader - Luther
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Swap Enemy
Swap the target enemies in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) Loyal Retainer - Melfonseana
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Swap Enemy
Swap the target enemies in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) Geologist - Logio
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Move Enemy
Move the target enemy in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) ARKS Member - Sherry
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Move Enemy
Move the target enemy in the direction of the arrow.
Card Wind (NGS) Crimson Gunner - Chroto
PP Attack Skill Affected Area
Move Enemy
Move the target enemy in the direction of the arrow.