Planetcrusher Blitz

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Revision as of 12:45, 24 April 2024 by Daddy Joof (talk | contribs)


Planetcrusher Blitz is a Major Target Suppression Quest that takes place in the Kvaris region in which you battle Dark Falz Dalion under a 15 minute time limit and a 5 incapacitation limit.

If either time runs out or you suffer five incapacitations, the quest ends in failure and no items are awarded.

For information about the boss's base stats, see Dark Falz Dalion.
For general tips, see Strategy.

In-game Description

A powerful energy response comparable to that of Dark Falz Solus was observed in the vicinity of North Kvaris. All ARKS defenders, report to the emergence point immediately to eliminate this unknown menace.

Assist NPCs cannot participate.


This quest has the current highest rate of dropping the Wingard series, and is a farmable source of Add Preset Skills Lv.1 items. Additionally, clears reward consistent amounts of Starl Soul and Foundia.
The First-time Clear Reward for this quest is NGS Ticket Icon Puffy Region Mag x2.

NGS Rare Drop Icon Rank 1 Drops
Sword (NGS) Weapons & Unit (NGS) Units Ability Capsule (NGS) Augments
NGS Material Icon Materials NGS Rare Drop Icon Other