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Halpha Environmental Testing Zone Survey/Strategy/Trap sectors: Difference between revisions

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= Double boss + Stun Mine type =
[[File:pso20240418_152351_051.jpg|thumb|Example of a Dizzy Trap sector. Note the red mine on the far left.]]Corner sectors only.
A boss arena where two bosses spawn with a unique gimmick known as the Dizzy Trap. One will be a miniboss based on the sector's region, and the other will be a Starless enemy.
The Starless enemy will gain the effects of the Aberrant title, so these sectors are especially deadly on Potency Increase days.
The Dizzy Trap is a mine that activates upon stepping in the highlighted area of effect. It will detonate after time passes, and deal three hits of 1% max HP damage to players and bosses caught in the attack range.
Players will be inflicted with a large amount of Stun damage, while bosses will be inflicted with a unique status that halts movement for ten seconds.
Any attacks the bosses may be doing will continue, but once their attack string has finished, they will enter their idle state until the effect ends.
= Storm Zone/Blizzard Zone type =
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= Beehive turret type =
A sector where Beehive turrets fire at players while laser sensors scan for them.
Upon contact with a laser sensor, more Beehive turrets will spawn.
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