
From PSO2: New Genesis Wiki

Each enemy that appears belongs to one of several different broad categories of enemies.


Passive wildlife found throughout the fields on Halpha. Defeating them rewards you with Meat which can be used in Quick Food preparation.


Enemies based off of enemies encountered within PSO2's setting. While they share models and animations, they frequently have different attack timings.


Enemies that appear to be genetically modified in some way or another. When encountered at night, their appearance changes and they deal 30% more damage.


Bio-mechanical enemies created to prepare ARKS Defenders for combat with the Starless. They tend to be much more powerful than FORMERS and ALTERS.


A mysterious hostile force making landfall on Halpha that, while similar to DOLLS, often have different methods of attack or weak points. They frequently have special gems that both serve as a breakable weak point and provide them with unique buff effects to take down unprepared ARKS.


Enemies based off of the Falspawn encountered within PSO2's setting.


Enemies such as Rappies and Captan which can appear anywhere.