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Weapon series: Difference between revisions

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Line 5:
! Base !! +60 !! +70 !! +80 || {{Icons|NGS MEL}}Melee !! {{Icons|NGS RNG}}Ranged !! {{Icons|NGS TEC}}Tech !! Normal || {{Icons|NGS Color Variant}}
| 10 || [[Reyaar]] || 735 || 985 || 1035 || 1098 || -- || 75 || {{Pots|Conduction Form}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || | {{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}}-- || --
| 10 || [[Flugelgard]] || 731 || 981 || 1031 || 1094 || -- || 75 || {{Pots|Faithful Unit}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || -- || --
Line 21:
| rowspan="4"| 9 || rowspan="4" | [[Melek]] || rowspan="4" | 635 || rowspan="4" | 905 || rowspan="4" | 990 || rowspan="4" | 1049 || rowspan="4" | -- || rowspan="4" | 71 || {{Pots|Vigorous Unit: Deux}} || {{Icons|NGS Sword}}{{Icons|NGS Wired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}} || {{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}} || rowspan="4" | -- || rowspan="4" | --
| {{Pots|Explosive Unit: Deux}} || {{Icons|NGS Daggers}}{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Saber}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}} || Ranged{{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}} || Tech{{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}}
| {{Pots|Harmonious Unit: Deux}} || {{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}} || {{Icons|NGS Rifle}}{{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}}{{Icons|NGS Gunblade}} || {{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}}
Line 59:
| 8 || [[Primm Libra]] || 436 || 662 || 795 || 862 || {{Icons|NGS Ice}} || 55 || {{Pots|Soothing Unit}} || colspan="3" | All except {{Icons|NGS Gunblade}} || -- || --
| rowspan="3"| 7 || rowspan="3" | [[Rugged]] || rowspan="3" | 490 || rowspan="3" | 738 || rowspan="3" | 868 || rowspan="3" | 934 || rowspan="3" | -- || rowspan="3" | 57 || {{Pots|Citadel Unit}} || Melee{{Icons|NGS weaponsSword}}{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}} || Ranged{{Icons|NGS weaponsRifle}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || Tech{{Icons|NGS Wand}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsBoots}} || rowspan="3" | -- || rowspan="3" | --
| {{Pots|Pursuit Unit}} || {{Icons|NGS Wired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}}{{Icons|NGS Gunblade}} || {{Icons|NGS Talis}}
| {{Pots|Pursuit Unit}} || Melee || Ranged || Tech
| {{Pots|Gyrating Unit}} || Melee{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS Daggers}}{{Icons|NGS RangedKatana}} || Tech{{Icons|NGS Launcher}} || {{Icons|NGS Rod}}{{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}}
| 7 || [[Obsidia]] || 488 || 736 || 866 || 932 || -- || 61 || {{Pots|Coruscating Unit}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || -- || --
Line 77:
| 6 || [[Evolorbit]] || 355 || 538 || 732 || 771 || -- || 53 || {{Pots|Illusory Unit}} || colspan="3" | All except {{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}} || -- || --
| rowspan="3"| 6 || rowspan="3" | [[Rokz]] || rowspan="3" | 353 || rowspan="3" | 536 || rowspan="3" | 730 || rowspan="3" | 769 || rowspan="3" | -- || rowspan="3" | 52 || {{Pots|Revolutionary Unit}} || Melee{{Icons|NGS weaponsSword}}{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}} || Ranged{{Icons|NGS weaponsRifle}} || Tech{{Icons|NGS weaponsWand}} || rowspan="3" | -- || rowspan="3" | --
| {{Pots|Desperation Unit}} || Melee{{Icons|NGS Wired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS Daggers}} || Ranged{{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}}{{Icons|NGS Gunblade}} || {{Icons|NGS Rod}}{{Icons|NGS Jet TechBoots}}
| {{Pots|Staccato Unit}} || Melee{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}}{{Icons|NGS RangedSoaring Blades}} || Tech{{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || {{Icons|NGS Talis}}
| 6 || [[Codeck]] || 351 || 534 || 728 || 767 || -- || 40 || {{Pots|Impervious Unit}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || -- || --
Line 103:
| 5 || [[Greaga]] || 280 || 518 || 733 || 772 || -- || 27 || {{Pots|Fighting Spirit Unit}} || colspan="3" | All except {{Icons|NGS Gunblade}} || -- || --
| 5 || [[Fivla]] || 277 || 515 || 730 || 769 || -- || 21 || {{Pots|Focused Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS AllDouble Saber}} || {{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || {{Icons|NGS weaponsWand}} || -- || --
| 5 || [[Gothica]] || 277 || 515 || 730 || 769 || -- || 21 || {{Pots|Reinvigorating Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Wired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS AllDaggers}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|NGS Rifle}} || {{Icons|NGS Rod}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsHarmonizer}} || -- || --
| 5 || [[Quintel]] || 277 || 515 || 730 || 769 || -- || 21 || {{Pots|Fortress Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Sword}}{{Icons|NGS AllKnuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}} || {{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}} || {{Icons|NGS Talis}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsBoots}} || -- || --
| 5 || [[Obscura]] || 263 || 501 || 716 || 755 || {{Icons|NGS Dark}} || 15 || {{Pots|Valorous Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS AllDaggers}}{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}} || {{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}} || {{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}}{{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsHarmonizer}} || -- || --
| 5 || [[Lumiere]] || 263 || 501 || 716 || 755 || {{Icons|NGS Light}} || 15 || {{Pots|Valorous Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Sword}}{{Icons|NGS Wired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS Daggers}}{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|NGS Rifle}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || {{Icons|NGS Rod}}{{Icons|NGS Wand}}{{Icons|NGS AllJet weaponsBoots}} || -- || --
| 5 || [[Tempesta]] || 263 || 501 || 716 || 755 || {{Icons|NGS Wind}} || 15 || {{Pots|Valorous Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Sword}}{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|NGS Rifle}}{{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || {{Icons|NGS Rod}}{{Icons|NGS Talis}}{{Icons|NGS AllJet weaponsBoots}} || -- || --
| 4 || [[Straga]] || 243 || 510 || 733 || 770 || -- || 15 || {{Pots|Berserk Unit}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || -- || --
Line 119:
| 4 || [[Evolcoat]] || 242 || 509 || 732 || 769 || -- || 15 || {{Pots|Soulspring Unit}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || -- || --
| 4 || [[Vialto]] || 242 || 509 || 732 || 769 || -- || 14 || {{Pots|Meditation Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}} || {{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || {{Icons|NGS Talis}}{{Icons|NGS AllJet weaponsBoots}} || -- || --
| 4 || [[Foursis]] || 242 || 509 || 732 || 769 || -- || 14 || {{Pots|Bastion Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Wired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS AllDaggers}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}} || {{Icons|NGS Rifle}} || {{Icons|NGS weaponsRod}} || -- || --
| 4 || [[Cattleya]] || 242 || 509 || 732 || 769 || -- || 14 || {{Pots|Mustered Might Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Sword}}{{Icons|NGS AllKnuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}} || {{Icons|NGS Wand}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsHarmonizer}} || -- || --
| 4 || [[Flamel]] || 240 || 507 || 730 || 767 || {{Icons|NGS Fire}} || 14 || {{Pots|Valorous Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS AllDaggers}}{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|NGS Rifle}}{{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || {{Icons|NGS Talis}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsWand}} || -- || --
| 4 || [[Resurgir]] || 240 || 507 || 730 || 767 || -- || 11 || {{Pots|Dynamo Unit}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || -- || --
| 3 || [[Frostel]] || 225 || 526 || 754 || 793 || {{Icons|NGS Ice}} || 13 || {{Pots|Valorous Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Wired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS AllDouble Saber}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}} || {{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}} || {{Icons|NGS Rod}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsWand}} || -- || --
| 3 || [[Glissen]] || 225 || 526 || 754 || 793 || {{Icons|NGS Lightning}} || 13 || {{Pots|Valorous Unit}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Sword}}{{Icons|NGS AllWired Lance}}{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}} || {{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}} || {{Icons|NGS Talis}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsWand}} || -- || --
| 3 || [[Hextra]] || 224 || 525 || 753 || 792 || -- || 1 || {{Pots|Swift Attack}} || colspan="3" | All weapons || -- || --
Line 139:
| 3 || [[Gold Primm Sword]] || 223 || 524 || 752 || 791 || -- || 10 || {{Pots|Recycler Unit}} || colspan="3" | {{Icons|NGS Sword}} only || -- || --
| 3 || [[Theseus]] || 223 || 524 || 752 || 791 || -- || 8 || {{Pots|Defensive Formation}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Sword}}{{Icons|NGS AllWired weaponsLance}}{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} || {{Icons|NGS Rifle}}{{Icons|NGS Launcher}}{{Icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}}{{Icons|NGS Bow}} || {{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}} || -- || --
| 3 || [[Trois De]] || 223 || 524 || 752 || 791 || -- || 8 || {{Pots|Offensive Formation}} || colspan="3"{{Icons|NGS Daggers}}{{Icons|NGS AllKnuckles}}{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}}{{Icons|NGS Katana}} || {{Icons|UIRestrictedBlue}} || {{Icons|NGS Rod}}{{Icons|NGS Talis}}{{Icons|NGS Wand}}{{Icons|NGS Jet Boots}}{{Icons|NGS weaponsHarmonizer}} || -- || --
| 2 || [[Silver Primm]] || 195 || 524 || 752 || 791 || -- || 5 || {{Pots|Recycler Unit}} || colspan="3" | {{Icons|NGS Sword}} only || -- || --
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