Weapons: All weapons
Level Req: 53
ATK (NGS) Attack Power
Base Attack +60 +70 +80 +90
620 890 975 1034 1088
Damage Variance Compound (NGS) Element
50-100% -
Potential (NGS) Tempered Form
Lv.1: Potency +12%; Critical Hit Rate +10%. PP Consumption -10%. Photon Blast Gauge Charge when attacking +20%.
Lv.2: Potency +14%; Critical Hit Rate +10%. PP Consumption -10%. Photon Blast Gauge Charge when attacking +20%.
Lv.3: Potency +16%; Critical Hit Rate +10%. PP Consumption -10%. Photon Blast Gauge Charge when attacking +20%.
Lv.4: Potency +17%; Critical Hit Rate +10%. PP Consumption -10%. Photon Blast Gauge Charge when attacking +20%.
Lv.5: Potency +19%; Critical Hit Rate +10%. PP Consumption -10%. Photon Blast Gauge Charge when attacking +20%.
Lv.6: Potency +32%; Critical Hit Rate +10%. PP Consumption -10%. Photon Blast Gauge Charge when attacking +20%.
N-Meseta Marketable: NGS Weapon Camo Icon Almati: Color Variant (NGS) CV:

The Monarkais series is a Rarity weapon series introduced on June 7th, 2023.

This series cannot be listed on player shops.

Weapon Coverage

The Monarkais series covers the following weapons:

Monarkais Weapons:
  Monarkais Sword
  Monarkais Wire
  Monarkais Spear
  Monarkais Daggers
  Monarkais Saber
  Monarkais Knuckles
  Monarkais Katana
  Monarkais Blades
  Monarkais Rifle
  Monarkais Launcher
  Monarkais Machine Guns
  Monarkais Bow
  Monarkais Gunblade
  Monarkais Rod
  Monarkais Talis
  Monarkais Wand
  Monarkais Boots
  Monarkais Harmonizer

Unique Properties

Stats and Potential

The weapon potential of the Monarkais series is Tempered Form, which which offers a wide range of offensive stat bonuses at the cost of a smaller Potency bonus than other weapons.

Drop Info

This series can only be obtained by purchasing the Class Level Up packages from the AC shop for 1,200 AC per class. Each package comes with a Monarkais weapon for each of the class's main weapons at +80 enhance, as well as a set of Ektesta Armor x3.

Other Trivia

This series has been regularly updated as the game progresses, to ensure that the purchase doesn't feel wasted.

  • 6/7/2023 - Rarity 7, base attack of 465
  • 12/6/2023 - Rarity raised to 9, base attack raised to 620
  • 1/31/2024 - Obtained at higher enhance with different augments

Also, while this series uses the model, textures, and Potential ability of the Kaizaar series, it does not count as a Kaizaar weapon for the purposes of Preset Enhancement and Multi-weapon creation.